Emotive Intention: To play and enjoy life and to live spontaneously and with generosity.
Life Outcome: To reveal, appreciate and utilise your creative talents and capabilities within all endeavours.
The SUFFOCATION TO INSPIRATION Kit is about anchoring within you the understanding that joy is already within you no matter what and for you be able to fully connect with it.
Therefore using the Mastery Essence Kit will enable you to facilitate yourself to reside in this precious joyous haven of existence that can so often elude you; you then “ENJOY” life’s journey for no other reason than it is your natural state to do so and you are a shining light; a heart centred leader and role model.
You see joy actually sits dormant within you waiting patiently to be received, therefore once you clear the blockages you can actively experience and express it without effort.
Otherwise limitation plays out as subtle and sometimes not so subtle resistance or a barrier in how you respond and interact in the world which hinders your empowered ultimate personal flow.
Use the SUFFOCATION TO INSPIRATION Kit to facilitate yourself to live a higher state of awareness where you expand beyond this self-sabotage and emotive restriction.
This Self-Mastery Kit is also about you owning this area of your life so you excel at honouring your inner child so you grow and expand to an elevated level in your business and life generally.
You are able to embrace life with a new found vibrancy without the unnecessary constraints and dogma that has held you back in the past.
Until these enlightened character traits are established and these attitudes are integrated fully, emotive barriers prevent you from being in your effective “inspired state” of “joy”.
Ideally you need to shift what prevents you from approaching your life and business with a spontaneous, generous and carefree attitude while still remaining a powerful heart-centred leader that knows when to guide and when to follow for the highest outcome to eventuate.
Any hum drum, mediocre or banal attitude fades and you are better equipped to enjoy each experience and succeed exponentially.
When you are 100% in congruency you are automatically in your personal flow and instead of issues, resistance and problems being in your way an encouraging, enthusiastic and creative emotive response prevails.
When there are blockages or diluted versions of what you desire playing out in varying degrees (in other words the limited messages that you unconsciously project outward) it causes you to not be in your personal flow; your “Empowered Zone.”
You can end up giving out or attracting feelings of excessive pride or conceit instead.
When you feel like (notice) this is happening to you it is an indication there is work to be done on clearing your hidden self-sabotage.
ACCELERATE YOUR PROCESS – USE THIS BREAKTHROUGH SELF SABOTAGE Kit – It provides up to 3-4 months facilitation 24/7 for amazing results to take place.