A deeper level of facilitating an individual in their personal/professional growth and well being is needed more than ever before. When these formulas are used as directed they have the “oomph” necessary to influence positive change. They equip you to address the complexities that play out in everyday life.
- Money blocks
- Relationships
- Confidence
- Behaviours
- Well being
- Sexuality
- security
- Stress
These are issues that are all prevalent in this fast pace world and the Mastery Essences can also enhance and complement all other personal growth, inner work and well being choices you may be doing so you can achieve even better results.
Click here to view the clearing and shifts that take place to your Energy Body Intelligence when using your Mastery Essences
The AUSTRALIAN Aromatic Essences act as a powerful trigger for your Energy-Body to make its own higher more aware and clear choices. As you use the aromatic essences your intuition and inner guidance becomes pristine and clear, so you are connected more fully with the expansive Universal Mind where a new framework and frame of reference is built and maintained. This exclusive cutting edge discovery has the capacity to clear energy blocks and offers the power and depth to support you through the complex issues you face in today’s world.
These empowering tools offer something extra special and powerful to your everyday life. They access the core issues and clear your energy blocks to obtain relevant tangible effect.
Once you apply them, they start working immediately and continue to do so in harmony with your own unique Energy Body’s Magnetic Field over many hours and when used as directed obtain immediate and permanent results. Aura pdf
When the mind can access a new perception and you repeat this process things can change permanently. The Mastery Essences are formulated to assist you with clearing away what is blocking that new perception and awareness and to facilitate a higher vibration to infiltrate within a person’s electromagnetic field. The Mastery Essences do not advocate a superficial quick fix but are formulated to break-through the entrenched patterning that so many people seem to have no matter how much they try to do to change certain things within themselves and life generally. When the essences are used as directed they facilitate you 24/7 and add to whatever other program you may be doing. The Mastery Essences can also help with the focus and discipline necessary to make change and this opens way for you to follow through with the goals you want which further creates a “snow ball” effect….hence better results!
Their consistent and continual daily support uplifts and enhances your wellbeing, and takes you to a new level in your personal development.
Answers, Solutions and Tools
of the highest quality and effectiveness!

When you use the AUSTRALIAN Aromatic Essence Energy Block Clearing Tools,
you unlock your innate power to live your full potential Aura pdf