Let Your Heart Sing And Your Spirit Soar!

Is your limited attitude or inflexible response to life’s situations holding you back?

Is experiencing greater reward or fulfilment in a specific area of your life or life generally eluding you?

Do you have bouts of boredom all too often? Maybe you know why or maybe it’s not clear because your life appears as though it’s working just fine on the surface but you have an emptiness or there’s a restlessness inside to find greater meaning or satisfaction?

If you can relate to any of these questions there may be emotional blind spots that hinder your essential aligned connection between your higher mind, conscious mind and emotions, ie, your Heartset.

These blocks can keep you in a restrictive pattern of wanting things to be different but in truth you’re resistant to making the necessary changes in your life so your desires and aspirations come to fruition.

When these hidden emotive issues aren’t addressed, you can usually dig yourself into a hole which is experienced as dissatisfaction, being scattered by doing lots and not achieving much, or without realising you eventually push yourself into a corner where boredom sets in once again resulting in feeling even more disillusioned or dissatisfied.

It’s important to realise these emotive issues may trigger you into making yourself superficially busy (sometimes to the point of manic in extreme situations) as a way of filling the gap of not embracing healthy change and expansion.

Here are 3 Limitation to Expansion Tips you can Implement to address the blind spots – 

TIP 1 

Avoid trying to control situations that are outside your control – When you want to control situations that are beyond you, it’s usually because this gives you a false sense of security – that’s the attraction of resorting to this type of control stronghold.

However, living out this pattern drains your emotional and mental resources and often financially as well, which leads to further dissatisfaction as you’ve not solved the problem and in some cases….added more issues to it ouch!

Stepping into accepting change can make you feel uncomfortable at first. However, once you let go you’re able to embody the sense of freedom and serenity that comes with yielding to the flow of life’s process (often known God’s Will).

The famous Serenity Prayer is a wonderful support in this instance.

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

TIP 2 

Avoid judging people, yourself or situations too quicklyInstead take a step back from your immediate reaction and racing thoughts. Don’t allow yourself to go into auto pilot and find yourself stuck by organic limited or inflexible thinking.

Give yourself space so your initial reaction doesn’t take over.  Doing this simple step positions you to foster and then reflect a more objective way of seeing the world so an elevated perspective is revealed.  

This builds a new pattern of behaviour that instils propensity of consistently enjoying an expansive Heartset.  The stuckness that often takes hold of you is  broken down.


Mindfulness is helpful to bring yourself into the presentAs you develop your “Present Life Awareness” you take yourself out of your head (ie, the scattered and negative thoughts that turn up all to quickly and frequently) so you don’t get bogged down with lots of limited perceptions and scenarios that usually come from fear driven “what if’s” and a fixed mindset.

You may like to access the Mindset Fitness Luminous Living Empowerment Meditation & Ambient Music Bundle to facilitate your Mindfulness development so you elevate and function beyond your blind spots once and for all – Click here to Access and Learn More.

When you’d like to accelerate your transformation process regarding these issues, I recommend you utilise the potent ability of the Flexibility Mastery Essence.

This is an effective DIY Wellness Tool that’ll assist you to clear blocks around upgrading your outlook and what you’ve always thought and done into an expanded perspective for greater meaning and fulfillment to prevail organically in your every day by aligning your Bio-Energy System. 

This formula is full of life giving natural organic ingredients that are all finely tuned and synergistically blended to elevate your awareness. As you explore the relevant attributes needed you’ll become aware of what’s holding you back from letting go of conscious or unconscious self-imposed limitations. This builds resilience, and you’re better equipped to delve deeper into accessing and clearing what’s hindering you.


When you’re in need of unwavering follow through, and you’re keen to accelerate by building momentum, the Activation Kit Limitation to Expansion would be an excellent tool for you.

By reaping the many benefits of this DIY multifaceted approach using the Limitation to Expansion Kit, you’ll be well positioned to effectively address the core undercurrents that are prone to stifling your innate expansive and unlimited disposition.

You’ll embody a tangible internal affirmative shift around addressing what you’re unsure of (eg, lack of clarity, self-doubt, fear or trepidation) and especially what causes you to get stuck or sidetracked.

This insightful process acts as a catalyst to strengthen a self-assured emotive-state where you’re comfortable with being uncomfortable out of your “comfort zone” and you’re equipped to address your emotions and feelings effectively, so the cycle of non-action resolves and you no longer get in your own way.

To Learn More & Access the Mastery Essence(s) & Kits click On Below Links:

Disclaimer: Formulations do not diagnose, treat or cure disease and are not substitute for medical treatment christine@anewyou.com.au © Christine M Long – Australian Aromatic Essences 2012 – All Rights Reserved.

Life & Business Elevation Specialist

M: +61 409 140 173

Location: Surrey Hills, Box Hill & Frankston, Victoria, Australia

Consultations: Zoom – Telephone & In-person

Programs: Virtual Interactive & In-person

Website: www.anewyou.com.au