Do you need to have more balance in one or more areas of your life?
Is experiencing a consistent state of equilibrium elusive due to you finding it challenging to honour what’s best for your Highest Good?
I realise there are lots of situations and people you interact with who are potentially fun, interesting and exciting.
Or alternatively there may be some people who are quite toxic or demanding. However, the question you need to ask yourself is “are they all necessary in your life” and “what’s in your personal Highest Good”?
This question is an important priority to reflect upon and even though each scenario has the capacity to be a positive influence (and others clearly not), it’s time to go deep within your emotional Being and see where you need to cull, re-organise, pull back and reset. Learning to say “no” isn’t a bad trait to master!
When you say “no” to certain people or situations you’re saying “yes” to others. You just want to be clear about them so you’re empowered to live in your unique “Personal Harmonious Flow” ie your Highest Good nothing less.
The intent here is for you to attain “Harmony within your Soul” and enjoy greater consistent flow so it’s a natural occurrence and the norm.
At first this may be uncomfortable or confronting because of the decisions you need to make it’ll often take you into unfamiliar territory. However, you’ll soon get used the far-reaching holistic benefits you’ll gain as you continue to integrate this new-found skill of saying “no” and noticing the “roof doesn’t cave in”. In fact, you’ll see how you and others reap much benefit from what this “Harmonious Personal Flow” provides.
Therefore, you need to address certain relationships or scenarios with the intent of bringing you back into your Highest Good and a state of harmonious balance.
The key is it starts with you first.
You’ll need to know how to uncover exactly what’s right for you without confusing yourself with too many choices and possibilities that aren’t really relevant or aligned with you. There are only so many hours in the day and there is only one YOU!
The other way you can create disharmony in your life is by trying to create the perfect perceived picture for an outcome and unconsciously (or consciously) push ‘in the nicest possible way’ a certain result.
Even though you may do this with the best intention (ie for the good others), people can resent the underlining agenda and rebel or push back causing you to wonder why you’re not experiencing the level of harmony you yearn for. In fact, this may cause much angst or upset which is the last thing you want.
The key is to ensure you develop an inward focus (read your needs ie Highest Good accurately) without agenda as you work out what’s best for you and whether it’s up to you to be involved in what’s externally presented to you. It’s important to realise thinking about how you can “manoeuvre” (ie force) the situation or the person into the outcome you want (even though you may do this diplomatically or passively and you have their best interests at heart) it’s not appropriate to manipulate the situation toward what you perceive should happen.
Instead expand your perception and align with what’s in balance for you and into a true state of equilibrium (this state may be quite unfamiliar at first however trust the process). Keep it simple and allow yourself to flow with your Highest Good, which may not necessarily “always be what you want” which is an important distinction as you develop and read your inner scales of Harmonious Wisdom correctly.
Then whatever unfolds know that it’s all perfect because you’re positioning yourself in the right place at the right time and this state is what creates the harmony and fulfilment you ultimately seek.
Check out the “Harmonious Living Key” you can use to embody in each situation you need to. Print it out, keep it handy and memorise.
Display it on your screen saver on computer and phone. You could stick it on the fridge or noticeboard. As you commit to utilising this “Harmonious Living Key” you’ll soon be positioned to appreciate the many wins and peace this provides.
When you’d like to accelerate your transformation process regarding these issues, I recommend you utilise the potent ability of the Harmony Mastery Essence.
This is an effective DIY Wellness Tool that’ll assist you to clear blocks around upgrading your outlook and what you’ve always thought and done into an expanded perspective for greater meaning and fulfillment to prevail organically in your every day by aligning your Bio-Energy System.
This formula is full of life giving natural organic ingredients that are all finely tuned and synergistically blended to elevate your awareness. As you explore the relevant attributes needed you’ll become aware of what’s holding you back from letting go of conscious or unconscious self-imposed limitations. This builds resilience, and you’re better equipped to delve deeper into accessing and clearing what’s hindering you.
When you’re in need of unwavering follow through, and keen to accelerate by building momentum, the Activation Kit Out of Balance to Equilibrium would be an excellent tool for you.
By reaping the many benefits of this DIY multifaceted approach using the Out of Balance to Equilibrium Kit, you’ll be well positioned to effectively address the core undercurrents that are prone to stifling your innate expansive and unlimited disposition.
You’ll embody a tangible internal affirmative shift around addressing what you’re unsure of (eg, lack of clarity, self-doubt, fear or trepidation) and especially what causes you to get stuck or sidetracked.
This insightful process acts as a catalyst to strengthen a self-assured emotive-state where you’re comfortable with being uncomfortable out of your “comfort zone” and you’re equipped to address your emotions and feelings effectively, so the cycle of non-action resolves and you no longer get in your own way.
To Learn More & Access the Mastery Essence(s) & Kits click On Below Links:
Disclaimer: Formulations do not diagnose, treat or cure disease and are not substitute for medical treatment © Christine M Long – Australian Aromatic Essences 2012 – All Rights Reserved.
Life & Business Elevation Specialist
M: +61 409 140 173
Location: Blackburn North & Melbourne Metro and Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia
Consultations: Zoom – Telephone & In-person
Programs: Virtual Interactive & In-person