Intention –To be dynamic, assertive and to set and follow through with your goals.
Result – Living with honour and a chivalrous attitude. Where your inner authority and gratitude thrives.
Key Words:
Outcome Dynamic Strength Assertive Chivalry
Blockage Driven Harsh Dominating Anger
(Previously known as Yang Mastery Essence)
It indicates you have an imbalance around your depth of gratitude regarding your life generally or with a specific area or person.
Once where the lack of gratitude has been established, you can transform this limitation and be inspired to deal with life by integrating a grateful disposition as a natural occurrence.
When there’s a gratitude deficit at play it can definitely make your life and relationships more difficult and less fulfilling because of the disharmony that would be residing within you because of it.
This limited energy dynamic projects out in the world to others and has a tendency to be mirrored back to you by them. This causes a confusing or convoluted interaction with people or in situations which can cause untold issues resulting in you being inaccurately perceived and ultimately not well thought of. It can hinder building trust in relationships.
Once this inappropriate behaviour is accepted and understood, there’s room for this type of depleted energy exchange (ie lack of gratitude) to transform. Otherwise, you’re stuck dealing with the fall-out which adversely affects your life’s outcomes.
If you think you have to be an excessively strong dominating and controlling person who’s very driven to get the job done because you believe this is admirable or essential behaviour for you to succeed, it’s time to reassess and realise this only leads to internal and external conflict along with exhaustion and dissatisfaction.
The question to ask is….
Is what you perceive as you being assertive and proactive actually you being aggressive?
Or… Is your attitude toward setting goals too controlling?
Or… Does the overall management of your life verge on the harsh side of functioning?
Check within if you’re out of touch with the true affect you have on yourself and others. The severity of this imbalance would vary for each individual and their life’s circumstances. However, the underlining question here is are you living-out “Doing” rather than “Being” in a state of gratitude?
It’s important to get yourself in balance. To do this you’re required to embody the higher qualities mentioned earlier. This’ll bring forth the harmony necessary.
It’s essential to understand the need and desire for greater ease and flow and to integrate this into how you function so you regain an “Attitude of Gratitude.”
The important distinction to make here is that the Gratitude Mastery Essence can assist you to live life in a way which feels like “you’ve got your act together” and progressing, but you’re doing so quite organically in dynamic flow. You just seem to get on with it without the harshness or control dramas.
Living the higher aspect of dynamic gratitude automatically supports and honours you and others because you’re aligned and in accord with your innate Spiritual connection and the Creator of the Universe so you’re residing in “God’s Zone” and still get the job done.
The blend of inner strength, chivalry and calm assertiveness flourishes and builds fulfilment that fosters gratification, wisdom and dynamic flow consistently.
GRATITUDE Mastery Aromatic Essence helps whenever you’re at a loose end and you just don’t seem to know how to take appropriate action or if you do, actually being motivated to do so.
This Mastery Essence supports you in setting and achieving goals. It can help bring forth your warrior within, the hunter, collector, provider and protector in your nature so you have the skills and wherewithal to move forward with a greater sense of purpose and focus.
In today’s terms this means using your natural high-level instincts and chivalrous qualities in the world and to complement that with an inner strength and strong sense of gratitude. It supports you to initiate and generate, produce and be productive dynamically.
This Gratitude Mastery Essence is formulated to foster your assertive qualities to be integrated. It’s an excellent wellness tool for single parents and people with entrepreneurial aspirations who desire to live in balance yet still achieve their goals.
Another benefit of using the Gratitude Mastery Essence is for you to uncover any deep-seated anger, frustration, resentment or agitation that you’ve been holding onto (possibly unconsciously) from past events or issues.
This may cause you to inappropriately express yourself too aggressively as opposed to possessing a calm assertive disposition or dominating instead of being proactive. Or possibly overly controlling rather than overseeing and guiding people or situations. If any of these are relevant for you it can indicate that your inner authority is in disharmony or depleted. This may even be the result of a deep soul wound that has festered over time.
Often when people aren’t able to approach life with genuine gratitude and personal flow, the bi-product that eventuates i they’re excessively ambitious or have a relentless unhealthy drive. Therefore, when these negative traits are demonstrated and there’s evidence of a forceful demeanour that actually drives and pushes rather than dynamically influences and rises up above obstacles this Mastery Essence is ideal.
The other reason the Gratitude Mastery Essence would be useful is when you want to instil characteristics, such as goal setting, assertiveness, dynamism, proactivity, chivalry and an elevated instinct toward desiring, knowing and owning Truth as your natural disposition. It’s perfect to use this Mastery Essence when you want to set your intention and just “get on with it” or when you want to create greater positive impact and rewarding results for your labour while still benefiting others.
NOTE: Due to its finely-tuned formulation of life giving natural ingredients, the Gratitude Mastery Essence’s aroma has a deep musky tone quite different from the other AUSTRALIAN Aromatic Essences. Please be aware if initially you don’t enjoy the aroma this usually subsides as you continue to use it. When you’re harmonising your Bio-Energy System and clearing blockages the aroma can change and can become unpleasant at different times due to the depth of the clearing needed for certain people. Especially if the block is very deep seated. Please persevere as this will subside eventually.
Accompanying this Mastery Essence is the matching precise Mind-Body Affirmation to accelerate your transformation process.
To ensure you achieve the best outcome follow the 2 simple steps on bottle. Clear your blocks and move forward with ease. Start reaping the benefits NOW. Click on “Add to Cart” button and you’re well on your way.
Free from chemicals & synthetic emulsions. No ingredients tested on animals. 100% Pure & Natural. Australian owned & made.
Contains: Purified water, Sulfated Castor Oil, Sodium, Di-Atomic Oxygen Molecules (O2) in a solution of demineralised water and Atlantic Sea Salt, Callitris columellaris, Melissa officinalis, Citrus sinensis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Angelica archangelica, Tagetes minuta, Nardostachys jatamansi, Citris paradisi, Doryanthes excelsa, Thysanotus tuberosus, Boronia serrulata, Banksia robur, Telopea mongaensis, Actinotus helianthi, Ilex aquifolium, Ulex europaesus, Robus ursinus, Aloe Vera, Rosa californica, Datura candida, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Lilium longiflorum, Rununculus occidentalis, Lilium parvum, Arnica mollis, Daucus carota, Achillea millefolium, E. purpurea, A. mollis, 0.9% Alcohol.
Disclaimer: Formulas don’t diagnose, treat or cure disease and are not a substitute to medical treatment.
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