Would you’d like to clear the barriers that prevent you experiencing ease and flow in your life on a consistent basis?

Do you tend to “try” to control things (either covertly or overtly) and end up getting in your own or other people’s way?

Or maybe without realising you live out the “Martyr or Victim Role” ?

Sometimes these limited emotive character traits have been there for a long-time and they’ve become a default pattern that are caused by subtle persistent, undermining undercurrents that play out in relationships or situations in your life making it harder than it needs to be.

This may mean you fall prey to floundering upstream rather than swimming with the “Tide of Life” in ease and flow as your norm.

This self-sabotage behaviour may not be obvious unless things turn away from your way (ie out of your control).  Then you may cause control dramas due to not “Being” in your Empowered Zone or allowing for the wisdom of your innate Intuitive Nature to take over.

The key to avoid this happening is to align within your personal flow as you reside in your “Empowered Zone” no matter the challenge. The destructive cycle of not “Being” what you need to “Be” in certain circumstances then doesn’t perpetuate and prevent you from accessing your “Optimum Intuitive Flow.”

You’re equipped to accept, pivot or surrender into what’s appropriate and correct for the situation at hand (ie you’re functioning in your Optimum Intuitive Flow).

Once you’re aware of these self-defeating “Victim” or “Martyr” emotive undercurrents and their consequences, you’re better able to address them.

Then a healthy empowered state is embodied which translates into being centred and in touch with your gut feelings and to read them correctly. When this is in play, building greater trust with your instincts and acting on them is fostered and life becomes a much easier ride.

As you develop your innate Intuitive Nature, you’re better equipped to consistently function in your “Empowered Zone” and for your intuition to kick-in so powerful outcomes are realised and enjoyed.

Here’s 6 tips you can do to build Your Optimum Intuitive Flow –

1. Meditate Regularly – this instils a profound congruency with your conscious and unconscious mind that brings forth a centred state so you’re better able to be aware of your intuition.  Practicing meditation regularly can increase your intuitive abilities, building them over time.

It’s good to be mindful of the quality and type of meditations you expose your mind to.  You may like to check out the Emotions Empowerment Meditation & Ambient Music Bundle click here

2. Creativity – Participate in arts or crafts for example, drawing, painting, dancing, photography, etc is very helpful.  It’s not necessary to be gifted at what you choose – it’s more about allowing the joy to shine through with what you’re doing and to be present and in flow without the left side of your brain dominating.

Or you may like to immerse yourself into artistic pursuits such as theatre for example.  The goal is to expose yourself regularly to creative endeavours that’ll activate your right brain consistently and build your “Intuitive Muscle.”

3. Listen, Hear & Take Action – Take time out and pay attention to what your gut is telling you because it’s often thwarted due to being too busy being busy or in a rush.  When you’re centred and present, you’re able to “listen” to your innate intuitive nature and then be more likely to “hear” what it’s saying to you.

Then once you’ve “listened” and “heard”, the next crucial step is to “take action” (or maybe not take action depending on the situation).  When you follow these steps, you’re sending a strong message validating your sub-conscious and unconscious minds so their aligned presence grows and becomes stronger as part of your everyday functioning.

Always remember you’ll need to be responsible with following through with due diligence in some circumstances because of the potential severe consequences that could take place regarding what your intuition is telling you.

4. Communicate with your Intuition – It’s important you acknowledge it exists and that it’s an integral part of your brain-mind-body connection.  You need to appreciate and interact with it like any significant relationship and therefore build greater trust with Hearing, Listening and taking Action with what it says.

The key is to build rapport and get in sync with your innate Intuitive Nature. You can do this by asking specific questions and surrender into Being an open vessel for Hearing, Listening and Acting on your intuition. When you do this in-spite of what you’d normally think or do but give space to this present state rather than immediately reacting into your default state. This sets you up to be equipped to explore something different (or possibly confirmation you’re on track).

Aim to develop a two-way conversation with the intention of establishing a healthy relationship with your intuition. Start with small things that don’t have a major consequence and build from there.

5. Reflection – Think about when you’ve had a gut feeling – what was the outcome of that?  Did you take notice or dismiss it?   What was the consequence either way?

Have you got examples of Listening, Hearing, and taking Action, and it’s turned-out correct?  Or conversely, you’ve not acted on it and you’ve regretted it?  When you’ve real life examples this helps you to be more willing to utilise and trust your intuition.

It’s a good idea to record those examples in your journal as they arise so you’ve got evidence of what happens when you honour your intuition and when you don’t.  You can see where to fine-tune your ability to attain Optimum Intuitive Flow.

6. Journaling – This is a helpful consistent process that removes a lot of the rhetoric, over thinking, self-talk and negative dialogue including any unconscious bias to be purged, challenged and dealt with.  This cleans out your bio-energy system so you’re holistically available to utilise your Intuitive Power to come to the fore.

When you’d like to accelerate your transformation process, I recommend you utilise the potent ability of the Intuition Mastery Essence.

This is an effective DIY Wellness Tool that’ll assist you to discover what being “present” and “engaged” means and what it feels and looks like by working with your Bio-Energy System.

This formula is full of life giving natural organic ingredients that are all finely tuned and synergistically blended to elevate your awareness. As you explore the relevant attributes needed you’ll become aware of what’s holding you back from letting go of conscious or unconscious self-imposed limitations. This builds resilience, and you’re better equipped to delve deeper into accessing and clearing what’s hindering you. 


When you’re in need of unwavering follow through, and you’re keen to accelerate by building, the Activation Kit Self Sabotage to Intuitive Mastery would be an excellent tool for you.

By reaping the many benefits of this DIY multifaceted approach using the Self Sabotage to Intuitive Mastery Kit you’ll be well positioned to effectively address the core undercurrents that are prone to stifling your innate expansive and unlimited disposition.

You’ll embody a tangible internal affirmative shift around addressing what you’re unsure of (eg, lack of clarity, self-doubt, fear or trepidation) and especially what causes you to get stuck or sidetracked.

This insightful process acts as a catalyst to strengthen a self-assured emotive-state where you’re comfortable with being uncomfortable out of your “comfort zone” and you’re equipped to address your emotions and feelings effectively, so the cycle of non-action resolves and you no longer get in your own way.

To Learn More & Access the Mastery Essence(s) & Kits click On Below Links:

Disclaimer: Formulations do not diagnose, treat or cure disease and are not substitute for medical treatment christine@anewyou.com.au © Christine M Long – Australian Aromatic Essences 2012 – All Rights Reserved.

Life & Business Elevation Specialist

M: +61 409 140 173

Location: Box Hill, Surrey Hills & Frankston, Victoria, Australia

Consultations: Zoom – Telephone & In-person

Programs: Virtual Interactive & In-person

Website: www.anewyou.com.au