Emotive Intention: To let go of control issues, go with the flow and stop playing out the victim-martyr syndrome.
Life Outcome: To be at peace within yourself as your let go of the past.
The SELF-SABOTAGE TO INTUITIVE MASTERY Kit is about assisting you to trust your intuition so it flourishes and you then continuously put yourself in the right place and the right time.
A greater sense of well-being is attained and as this continues organically it allows you to be more in-tune so this new way of living becomes the norm.
To make the impact you want in the bigger picture of your life or business it is important to master this skill so it occurs naturally within you.
To “try” to just keep managing this only results in you feeling like you have to “control more” and this keeps the perpetual victim mentality or the martyr syndrome alive.
This limitation plays out as subtle and sometimes not so subtle resistance or a barrier in how you respond and interact in the world which hinders your empowered ultimate personal flow.
Use the SELF-SABOTAGE TO INTUITIVE MASTERY Kit to facilitate yourself to live a higher state of awareness where you expand beyond this self-sabotage and emotive restriction.
This Self-Mastery Kit is also about you owning this area of your life so you excel at acknowledging the past is in the past and as much as it has had a massive impact on you and where you are now it’s appropriate to move beyond it.
It’s time to draw a line in the sand (even though you may have thought you have done that).
When this Mastery Essence Kit resonates with you it suggests that there are some let over issues, beliefs, emotive imbalances that are preventing you to totally embrace the present and move on.
It’s the perfect time NOW to delve deep within and discover the remnants or emotional debris of the past that is still influencing your present and affecting your ability to create the future you aspire to.
You need to honour and respect the past no matter what has transpired; every situation, relationship and loss has got you to where you are.
However past energy is not conducive to influencing the present in a way that fits you now; accessing a new paradigm for your present and future life is required.
Until these character traits are established and these attitudes are integrated fully emotive barriers prevent you from being in your effective “calm state” of “intuition”.
Ideally you need to shift what prevents you from approaching your life and business with a compassionate and self-less attitude (towards yourself especially) without ego.
Any passive aggressive or overly sub-missive state fades and you are better equipped to enjoy each experience and succeed exponentially.
When you are 100% in congruency you are automatically in your personal flow and instead of issues, resistance and problems being in your way a responsive, instinctual and perceptive emotive response prevails.
When there are blockages or diluted versions of what you desire playing out in varying degrees (in other words the limited messages that you unconsciously project outward) it causes you to not be in your personal flow; your “Empowered Zone.”
You can end up giving out or attracting feelings of disappointment or desperation instead.
When you feel like (notice) this is happening to you it is an indication there is work to be done on clearing your hidden self-sabotage.
ACCELERATE YOUR PROCESS – USE THIS BREAKTHROUGH SELF SABOTAGE Kit – It provides up to 3-4 months facilitation 24/7 for amazing results to take place.
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